Dear business partners,
We are compact working team focusing on designing and engineering activities, research and development, design, manufacture/procurement, expediting activities, installation and putting into operation, and all activities done under management of qualified and experienced project managers. Based on our experiences and long-term partnerships with world-wide leading manufacturers of technological equipment and leaders in their field of we can flexible provide the most difficult and unique applications in wide scope of market requirements starting with deliveries of equipment for severe accident management in nuclear industry, through high-pressure application in chemical and petrochemical industry to EPC projects covered complex energy centres using the high-tech solutions focusing on effectiveness, environment and safety.
The competence of project management division includes management and organization of all complete (EPC) projects of the company, or projects because of their nature, require special attention either because of priorities given from the client or because of its demanding requirements (for time, material, capacities, other). The project management division has been developed as a result of increasing requirements of implemented projects with a aim to improve the quality of scope of services offered to our clients. For clients and investors we are ready to bring added value of EPC project services complexity from a single contractor starting with analysis of current condition with recommendations, continuing with design, fabrication, installation, up to commissioning and final putting into operation, where the most of offered activities is performed by our own capacities. The division seat is in modern premises in the centre of Levice. For projects that require permanent coordination of activitiesand works performed on site, we have our own stabile managing and erection capacities in localities of:
Our advantages as an EPC partner:
The project preparation and project management division closely cooperated with other divisions of ROEZ company when coordinating project works and subcontractors, depending on concrete tasks on the project, mainly:
Fabrication Division covers manufacturing, installation and service activities of the company by its own mechanical technological equipment for heavy manufacture which includes whole preparation of manufacture and implementation consisting of designing and technological personal capacities, employees of quality control, logistic and control teams and professional base of manufacture worker. Own designing department to assure strength, fatigue, seismic and process calculations and experience
create preconditions for full-bodied manufacturing and implementation of machinery and technological operational units in the scope of design of products in cooperation with R&D division, processing of design and manufacturing documentation, manufacture, logistic, installation including service activities for external customers and for the whole ROEZ company, Simultaneously, smaller investment projects with dominating manufacturing and installation activities focused mainly on: