Few words of the head of division

Príhovor veduceho divizie

Dear business partners,

from the very beginning of my career, I have worked in management and coordination of human resources. Work in such position requires specific personal capacities. The manager must be vigorous at enforcing the company interests but also a sensitive psychologist at management and communication with the entrusted personnel. Thanks to my long-term work for ROEZ, s.r.o., I have forged into the position of the Head of the Facility Division. It is a varied and dynamic work combining not only duties of a manager and controller of existing contracts but also possibilities of cooperation with new customers. The Facility Division is focused primarily on provision of high quality and comprehensive services meeting individual needs and requirements of our customers.

podpis. Your sincerely, Jana Filková

Division profile

The Facility Division is aimed at provision of a comprehensive set of mutually linked services. Our objective and mission is to render services at high professional level focused on the customer’s satisfaction at maximum observance of the environmental impacts. Our services are provided to companies with different orientation not only in our region but also all over Slovakia. We offer a complex administration of structures covering technical, infrastructural and commercial administration of structures, and maintenance and service of technological plants. The aforementioned services encompass management of operation, maintenance of equipment and energy management through security services, cleaning of buildings, officer services up to administration of renting.  In addition to administration of structures, the comprehensive scope of services provided by us cover also industrial and special cleaning, including auxiliary services. A fundamental and major component of the Facility Division is the high quality personnel that have been developing for years. It consists of the common executive personnel fulfilling basic tasks of the Division, but also of technicians executing special activities such as special cleaning of technological equipment, works at heights using climbing gear, performance of all types of inspections etc. The Division team encompasses also a sufficient number of coordinating managers.

Organisational structure and philosophy of work

Service offer



  • ISO 9001:2015
  • OHSAS 18001:2007
  • ISO 14001:2015 Facility management and provision of services related to administration of buildings
  • Technical inspection and technical tests of classified technical equipment – pressure, gas and electrical
  • Repair of classified technical equipment – pressure, gas and electrical in the scope of repair, maintenance and installation