Dear business friends,
In recent years, mechanical fabrication has become a part of the ROEZ s.r.o. and it has established itself as a manufacturer of pressure and non-pressure equipment as well as a supplier and installer of technological components and special structures. We offer pressure equipment of various types and material designs according to STN EN 13445 / ČSN 690010 and requirements of clients. We are ready to solve difficult and non-standard market requirements while observing applicable standards and regulations. We develop manufacturing drawing documentation in the latest AutoCad Inventor versions in 3D. Every manufacturing documentation contains also welding documentation pursuant to STN EN 3834-2 as well as accompanying technical documentation with the certificate of conformity pursuant to PED 2014/68/EU as its inseparable part. The supply of equipment covers also installation, functional tests, participation in start-up and commissioning. In addition to fabrication, our division carries out also supply and installation of technological components according to the design documentation mainly for chemical and petrochemical industries and power industry. Last but not least, we offer also supply and installation of special structures mainly for power industry and water management thanks to the long-term experiences of our company in this field. If needed, we also have subcontractors available who have been qualified over a long term to ensure high quality. Our main target is a satisfied customer and that is the focus of all our internal processes and planning of the project and realization of supplies, including installation. We are ready to solve also non-standard challenging tasks.
The fabrication and implementation division covers all manufacturing, installation and service activities of the company. Own designing department and cooperation with another division department for strength, fatigue, seismic and process calculations and experience
∫ with manufacturing of equipment for nuclear power plants, chemical and petrochemical industries
∫ with manufacturing of equipment for hydro power industry
∫ in reverse engineering
create preconditions for full-bodied manufacturing and implementation of machinery and technological operational units in the scope of design of products in cooperation with R&D division, processing of design and manufacturing documentation, manufacture, logistics, installation including service activities for external customers and for whole ROEZ. Simultaneously, smaller investment projects with dominating manufacturing and installation activities are provided by the manufacturing and implementation division on a turn-key bases (EPC). The division premises are in a modern manufacturing plant in Levice with machinery and technological equipment for heavy manufacture, including the overall preparation of manufacturing and implementation consisting of designing and technological human resources, quality control staff, logistic and managing teams and a professional bases of manufacturing workers. In the area of installation, the Division has several stabile installation teams, namely:
∫ Mochovce NPP, Slovak Republic
∫ Dukovany NPP, Czech Republic
∫ chemical plant Spolana Neratovice, Czech Republic
The production hall has a manufacturing area of 1,990 m2. This area is served by two bridge cranes with lifting capacities 20t and 5t, respectively. There is an administration area with workplaces of individual production technicians situated. All processes are managed incompliance with ISO (STN EN ISO 9001:2008,OHSAS 18001:2007, ISO 14001:2004), welding processes follow STN EN ISO 3834-2 and designing is managed by STN EN 1090-2 (EXC2, EXC3). The fabrication is managed completely using the new information system CITO. The main manufacturing equipment and technology includes:
∫ Hydraulic plate shears CNTA
∫ Bandsaw Bomar – Ergonomic
∫ Horizontal boring machine WFT 13 CNC
∫ Horizontal boring machine W9
∫ Console milling cutter FGS
∫ Universal centre lathe SU
∫ Column drill VO
∫ Edge bevelling machine
∫ Four-cylinder sheet bender
∫ Tube and steel profile bender
∫ Hydraulic workshop press 160t
∫ Welding sources for MIG/MAG, TIG, ROZ welding methods
∫ Welding semi-automat for circumferential and longitudinal welds
∫ Positioners for circumferential welding
∫ Mobile sandblasting device
∫ High-pressure airless spraying machine
∫ Test hydro aggregate for testing and cleaning operations for pipelines, hydraulic systems, direct hydraulic motors
∫ Pressurising equipment for pressure tests of large-diameter pipelines, pressure vessels, heat exchangers etc.
∫ Cleaning aggregate for circulation post-assembly cleaning of pipeline systems
Personnel is certified according to EN ISO 9712 for following methods:
Revision technicians certificates for pressure, gas and electrical equipment in accordance with Decree 508/2009 and subsequent amendments.