Steam reduction and bypass stations
Key EP
Description Control/ turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2006
End 2007
End user Kardemir Turecko
Description Fully automatic mechanical filtration station for cooling circuits of PPC 80 MWe, Levice
Beginning 2006
End 2007
End user Slovintegra energy, s.r.o.
Key EP
Description Control/ turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2007
End 2008
End user Eren Erenji Elektrik Uretim, Turecko
Key EP
Description Control / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2007
End 2008
End user Aker Solutions, UK
Key EP
Description Control / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2007
End 2008
End user Karachi Electric Supply Corp., Pakistan
Key EP
Description High-pressure station including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals
Beginning 2007
End 2008
End user Mordov Cement, RF
Description Performance of complete outsourcing of mechanical maintenance of PPC 80 MWe Levice including design changes management in mechanical part
Beginning 2007
End 2010
End user Slovintegra energy, s.r.o.
Key EP
Description High-pressure and low-pressure bypass station including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals
Beginning 2008
End 2009
End user ETI ALUMINYUM, Turecko
Key C
Description Extension of cooling system of air condensation in turbine of 20 MWe by a new section for PPC 80 MWe Levice - including installation of compensators DN1200 and DN2100
Beginning 2008
End 2008
End user Slovintegra energy, s.r.o.
Key EP
Description High-pressure bypass station including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals
Beginning 2009
End 2009
End user Eren Erenji Elektrik Uretim, Turecko
Key EP
Description Control/ turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2010
End 2012
End user ČEZ, a.s., PPC POČERADY, CZ 880MW
Description High-pressure hydraulically controlled bypass station of the turbine including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals, main control stations of pressure and temperature of the boiler for PPC 80 MWe Počerady
Beginning 2010
End 2013
End user ČEZ, a.s., PPC POČERADY, CZ 880MW
Key EP
Description Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2008
End 2009
End user Colbún S.A., Chile
Key EP
Description Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2008
End 2009
End user TIRME
Key EP
Description Reduction stations / turbine hall
Beginning 2008
End 2009
End user SE a.s., SR
Key EP
Description Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2012
End 2012
Key EP
Description Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2012
End 2012
Key EP
Description Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler
Beginning 2012
End 2012
Key EP
Description Reduction stations / boiler
Beginning 2006
End 2007
End user FunderMAX GmbH St. Veit/Glan, Rakúsko
Key C
Description High pressure and low pressure heater, desuperheaters
Beginning 2009
End 2010
End user Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., JE EBO V2
Key Description Beginning End End user
EP Control/ turbine hall, boiler 2006 2007 Kardemir Turecko
EPC Fully automatic mechanical filtration station for cooling circuits of PPC 80 MWe, Levice 2006 2007 Slovintegra energy, s.r.o.
EP Control/ turbine hall, boiler 2007 2008 Eren Erenji Elektrik Uretim, Turecko
EP Control / turbine hall, boiler 2007 2008 Aker Solutions, UK
EP Control / turbine hall, boiler 2007 2008 Karachi Electric Supply Corp., Pakistan
EP High-pressure station including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals 2007 2008 Mordov Cement, RF
EPC Performance of complete outsourcing of mechanical maintenance of PPC 80 MWe Levice including design changes management in mechanical part 2007 2010 Slovintegra energy, s.r.o.
EP High-pressure and low-pressure bypass station including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals 2008 2009 ETI ALUMINYUM, Turecko
C Extension of cooling system of air condensation in turbine of 20 MWe by a new section for PPC 80 MWe Levice - including installation of compensators DN1200 and DN2100 2008 2008 Slovintegra energy, s.r.o.
EP High-pressure bypass station including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals 2009 2009 Eren Erenji Elektrik Uretim, Turecko
EP Control/ turbine hall, boiler 2010 2012 ČEZ, a.s., PPC POČERADY, CZ 880MW
EPC High-pressure hydraulically controlled bypass station of the turbine including accessories, pre-filters and provisionals, main control stations of pressure and temperature of the boiler for PPC 80 MWe Počerady 2010 2013 ČEZ, a.s., PPC POČERADY, CZ 880MW
EP Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler 2008 2009 Colbún S.A., Chile
EP Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler 2008 2009 TIRME
EP Reduction stations / turbine hall 2008 2009 SE a.s., SR
EP Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler 2012 2012 EKIBASTUZ
EP Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler 2012 2012 SVIADNOV
EP Control, reduction stations / turbine hall, boiler 2012 2012 ELEKTRÁRNA DOMORADICE
EP Reduction stations / boiler 2006 2007 FunderMAX GmbH St. Veit/Glan, Rakúsko
C High pressure and low pressure heater, desuperheaters 2009 2010 Slovenské elektrárne, a.s., JE EBO V2
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